How to get Pixel ID
Integrating the Facebook Pixel ID with TagTurbo enables you to track conversions, retarget visitors, and optimize your Facebook ad campaigns based on user behavior and interactions on your website.
The Facebook Pixel ID is a unique identifier used to connect your website’s activity with your Facebook advertising account. Integrating this pixel with TagTurbo allows you to track user interactions, conversions, and other events on your website. Here’s an overview:
1. Go to Integration menu
2. Select ‘Settings’ in Facebook pixel container
3. You will see Facebook pixel ID field
4. Log in to Facebook and go to your Ads Manager account.
5. Open the Navigation Bar and select ‘Events Manager’.
6. Copy your Pixel ID from underneath your Site Name and paste the number directly into the Link Manager setup tab.
7. Copy Pixel ID and Paste on Tagturbo